I usually post weekly sales and the sale coupons for all the craft stores to the group. We have no Hobby Lobby craft stores in our area which just breaks my heart. I loved the HL stores when I visited them years back while on vacation in Texas. I happened to see on the Hobby Lobby website ad, cute owl beads and I happened to mention how cute I thought those beads were.
Well, last week a small RAK package arrived from Cher, who is also a member of the AAWA group. Cher wrote instructions to open the package first and then read the enclosed note. Inside, I found the owl beads. Oh my!!!! I couldn't believe it. Cher...thanks again for the owl beads and for thinking of me. I LOVE them!!!! Here are the beads. I haven't decided what I am going to do with them yet, but 2 will most likely be used for earrings and probably the rest in a bracelet. I will post finished pictures later of what I make. For now..Close up picture of the beads on the left and full strand on the right. Aren't they cute?
I haven't felt like doing many art projects lately. Do those dry spells ever happen to you? Nothing is wrong physically, but I just haven't been motivated to sit and work on art projects. And, the end results of what I have created aren't to my liking and not many ideas are coming to me. My muse seems to have flown the coop for a bit, unfortunately. Gosh, I hate when that happens and I hope it returns ASAP.
The weather has been really nice. Sunny, but no humidity, and so I have been spending time outside working in the yard and garden, and sometimes just sitting under the apple tree relaxing and reading. I have to enjoy the nice weather before the temperature changes and fall truly arrives. I don't like going out in the cold winter months. Time for hibernating and creating art when the snow arrives.
I do have a few Halloween cards/tags in the works, but not yet completed.
Saturday, was our oldest son, Tommy, celebrated his 42nd birthday. WoW!!! How the heck can that be? Anyway, a group of 14 of us went out to a Japanese hibachi grill restaurant to celebrate his birthday. We had a really nice time.
Yesterday, I took my mom and dad to Sandwich for my mother's eye doctor appointment. After the appointment we went to visit with my cousins in Yarmouth. There was a lot of Cape traffic. We left to head for home around 6:30 p.m., dusk. Driving home on route 6 A in Barnstable, traffic came to a dead stop in both directions. I couldn't see what was going on as there were several cars ahead of me. Then, I caught movement, and I saw about 12 turkeys strutting in single file beside a white picket fence in someone's yard on my drivers side, heading for a spot to roost for the night. Then, finally, I saw 2 birds crossing the road. I counted about a dozen birds. You could barely see them as it was getting dark. When traffic finally started moving, I was saddened to see in the other lane someone had hit and killed the first turkey that had tried to cross the road. I guess someone didn't see it in time to stop. I was glad that the other turkeys were able to cross the road okay.
Today, Thursday, is one of Steven's days off, and so I called to see if he and Robin would like to go to the Olive Garden for lunch. First, just Steven and Bella were going to go, as Robin wasn't home. Robin had to go to Plymouth this morning for jury duty. Robin called just as we were leaving their house that she didn't get picked for a case, and so she met us at the restaurant. Our lunch was delicious and little Bella was well behaved.
Well, that's it for now. Enjoy your evening.
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